Who See – Dim Po Dim

Who See Dim Po Dim

Who See – Dim Po Dim Lyrics

Artist: Who See
Song: Dim Po Dim

Yo, ja sam Deda, nisam vidovit, nit vračam
Samo gledam svojim očima
Svojim okom posmatrača
Vidim sve od misli do djela

Od istine do trača
Vidim svih šest i po milijardi igrača
Oni igraju igru bez smisla
Oni igraju igru bez cilja

U kojoj draž traje kratko
Kao porcija s roštilja
Koja kad je pojedeš, košta mnogo skupo
Opšti zaključak je da je

Tu igru igrat vrlo glupo
Ko vidi vidi, ko ne vidi
Blago njemu, uživa u svemu
Ja iskuliram samo kad sam na nečemu

Kad se prži, kad se alkohol toči
Ja zatvorim oči, noć i dan pušim, ločim
Neku glupu rimu sročim
Ne ośećam ništa kao Tamagochi

Blejim tako od jutra do mraka
Od mraka do jutra i tako opet śutra
Od nemila do nedraga
Iz krajnosti u krajnost tako prolazi mi vrijeme

To sam ja i realnost
Alkohol i ganja, ja koristim sva ta sranja
Kad sam svjestan da je šansa
Za lijepo živjet sve manja

I boli me kurac za sve što vidim i čujem
Namrtvo mi je dobro
I ja sam svjestan da se trujem
Ti se rokaš u venu, jer dobar ti je trip

Ja samo pijem i pržim, pa nisam tvoj tip
Tra’iš marku, dvije, treba ti za dop
Evo ti kurac za to, jesam deda ali nisam mraz
Debile kao ti eliminišem za čas

Kao tabletama hemiju, kao alkoholičar rakiju
Kao zemljotres Indiju, kao copkiller muriju
Sada govori Noyz ili špijun galijun
Depresija kurca palca, kurac mi je pun

Kontuzija mozga u glavi neki brm
Rizlu imam, ali u šumu gajim grm
Banja mom mozgu, banja mojim plućima
U njima ima vazduha, ali više ima dima

Sa crvenim očima i suvim ustima
Prolazim pored murije, pa me frka obuzima
Jedan od njih me tada zove pa mi podatke uzima
A ja plastičnu kašičicu grizem zubima

Molim Boga samo da me sada ne pretresu
Jer u džepu imam dva eksa i gandže punu kesu
I trudim se da iskuliram
Ali mi ne ide baš najbolje

Ispušio sam ga, a i za to mi treba volje
Živim k’o invalid, starci me izdržavaju
To im je prst u oko
Zbog svega što doživljavaju

A trudili su se, u životu sve su mi stvarali
Da od mene nešto stvore
Na svim poljima izgarali
Ko me ne zna preskupo bi platio

Isplaćivo’ u dnevne rate
A kasnije doplatio
Ružan život živim, a da sam dobar latio
A ne ovako, sinoć se od alkohola smlatio

Sad sam shvatio da sam promašaj
Da odma’ na početak je za mene bio kraj
Ništa raj, nego pakao, kakva divota
To je moj stil za život, a i poslije života

Jer ova zemaljska kugla je velika količina rugla
To je pičkin dim
Primjetljivo je iz bilo kog ugla
Ovo đe mi zivimo se zove šupak svijeta

U okvirima geta, al’ bez bombi i raketa
I šta sad bi trebalo da se zavičaju divim
A ja živim samo za to što sam rođen da živim
Pitaju me kojim putem dalje mislim

Odgovaram odgovor je vazda istim
Pitaju me kojim putem dalje mislim
Odgovaram odgovor je vazda istim
Pitaju me kojim putem dalje mislim

Odgovaram odgovor je vazda istim
Pitaju me kojim putem dalje mislim
Odgovaram odgovor je vazda istim
Po putu teturam se, padam, dižem se

Neko misli da je gluma, neko da sam siš’o s uma
Treba korake povezat, prst pred oko ne vidim
Oko mene narod pita se kako se ne stidim
Na kraju pred’o sam se, jer se dočepah klupe

Dani su mi glupi sad i noći su mi glupe
Kad sam ovakav samo mislim na jame i rupe
Bolestan trip, zabolje me dupe
Smorim se kad pomislim da padam u provaliju

Oko mene neke face piju samo mi se smiju
Veća mi je frka nego onima sto gandžu siju
Pa nalete na muriju
Pijem, varim, klošarim

Na originalan način starim
U trip se uvalim, pa sve lakše zanemarim
Ali opet mi je frka kad vidim bradonju i brka
K’o na kurac im idem

Neko od njih ce da me sv’rka
Oko mene lica mrka, pa se bojim, sav se znojim
Bježim putem bilo kojim
Jer mi je frka da stojim

Brojim korake svi problemi su nestali
Ali uvatili su me u neka kola me strpali
Pa se oni natrpali, s nekim smo se trkali
Zasp’o sam ne śećam se ko je bio prvi

Probudih se u krevet, a ruka mi u krvi
Igla u venu, kakav trip, da li je ovo iluzija
Bradonja mi kaže, dečko, smiri se infuzija
Pitaju me kojim putem dalje mislim

Odgovaram odgovor je vazda istim
Pitaju me kojim putem dalje mislim
Odgovaram odgovor je vazda istim
Pitaju me kojim putem dalje mislim

Odgovaram odgovor je vazda istim
Pitaju me kojim putem dalje mislim
Odgovaram odgovor je vazda istim
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Dim Po Dim Lyrics – English Translation

Yo, I’m Santa, not a psychic, nor returning
Just watch his eyes
Its eye of the beholder
I see all of the mind to work

From truth to gossip
I can see all six and a half billion toy
They play a game without meaning
They play a game without a goal

In what charm is short
As portions of grilled
That when you eat, it costs a lot of expensive
The general conclusion is that the

The game play is very stupid
When you see see, when you do not see
Good for him, enjoys all
I just chill out when I’m on to something

When it burns, when alcohol is poured
I close my eyes, night and day smoke, divorce
Some stupid rhyme phrase it
I do not feel anything like Tamagochi

Blejim so from morning to night
From dusk to dawn, and so again tomorrow
From Pillar to Post
From one extreme to another so we pass the time

It’s me and reality
Alcohol and ganja, I use all that sh#t
When I realized that the chance
For all nice live less

And I do not give a f#ck about what I see and hear
To death is just fine
I am aware that the poison
These Rokas into a vein, because good is your trip

I only drink and fry, so I’m not your type
Tra’iš brand, two, you need to dop
Here’s a damn about it, I am grandfather but never cold
Debut as you eliminate the time

As tablets chemistry, as well as alcoholic spirits
As earthquake India, as copkiller cops
Now that’s Noyz or spy galleon
Depression dick thumb, c#ck my full

Contusion in the head a br
Rizla have, but in the forest gajim bush
Banja my brain, my lungs spa
They have air, but more there is smoke

With red eyes and dry mouth
I walk by cops, but I snort overtakes
One of them called me then, but we take data
And I’m a plastic spoon bite teeth

I pray God that I should go now no trial
Because we have two exa and ganja full bag
I’m trying to chill
But we are not going too well

Smoked it, and for this we need the will
I live like an invalid, old men serving me
It’s their finger in the eye
Because of all that experience

And they tried to, in life all we have created
To create something from me
In all fields burned
When I do not know too expensive to pay

Isplaćivo ‘in the daily rate
A later doplatio
Ugly life I live, and I’m good tackled
But not like this last night of alcohol smlatio

And now I realize that I miss
That right at the beginning for me was the end
Nothing paradise, but hell, what splendor
This is my style of life, and the afterlife

Because the globe is a great amount of shame
It’s pickin dim
Observation from any angle
This đe we live is called the #ssh#l# of the world

Within the ghetto, but no bombs and missiles
Now what should the homeland admire
And I live only for the fact that I was born to live
They ask me which way still think

Answer answer is always the same
They ask me which way still think
Answer answer is always the same
They ask me which way still think

Answer answer is always the same
They ask me which way still think
Answer answer is always the same
By the way, the reeling, falling, getting up

Someone thinks he is acting, one that I siš’o mind
It should connect steps, finger before about not seeing
Around me, people ask how I am not ashamed
Finally pred’o myself, because my hands on the bench

Days are we stupid now and the nights are we stupid
I think this only in caves and holes
Ill trip, zabolje me #ss
SMoR is when I think I’m falling into the abyss

Around me some face drink just laugh at me
Larger me snorting than what ganja sow
So they run into the cops
Drink, digest, Klošar

An original way old
The trip to the bay, that all easier neglect
But again I snort when I see the beard and mustache
Like to f#ck them go

Some of them will make me sv’rka
Around me, face grim, but I’m afraid all the sweat
I’m running through any
Because I was afraid that I stand

Counting steps all the problems are gone
But she caught me in a car take me in
So they piled, with some we have rapped
Zasp’o I do not remember who was the first

Woke up in bed, and my hand in the blood
A needle in a vein, what kind of trip, whether this is an illusion
Bearded man tells me, boy, relax infusion
They ask me which way still think

Answer answer is always the same
They ask me which way still think
Answer answer is always the same
They ask me which way still think

Answer answer is always the same
They ask me which way still think
Answer answer is always the same
Find more lyrics at https://dcslyrics.com

Who See Lyrics – Dim Po Dim

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Release Year: 2017