Ding Dong – Nisam pod libelu

Ding Dong Nisam pod libelu

Ding Dong – Nisam pod libelu Lyrics

Artist: Ding Dong
Song: Nisam pod libelu

“Ako ovo slušate prvi put
Pustite pesmu od početka
A ako ne, onda sve je u redu!”

Kažu nisam pod libelu
Igram sony noć celu
Sve do jutra
Šta mi možeš

Tako ću i sutra
Kažu nisam pod libelu
Imam slike po telu
Nisu me zeznuli noću

To ja tako hoću
Kažu nisam pod libelu
Zato što feniram ćelu
Grejem vijuge na umu

Da ne dobiju reumu
Nisam pod libelu, možda nije pravi padež
A ako ti se ne sviđa ova pesma naša
Mozak ti je kao ovaj moj mladež

Mali smisao za smešno tebi fali
Sačuvaću ti parče kad u selu budemo neke klali
Ali, ali, sad se nеverovatnić šali
Kao Koja, samo što je ova pesma moja

Ali da sе vratimo na temu (ajde)
Kažu nisam pod libelu zato što nemam tremu
Pozdrav za Džemu (gde si bre) jer nije u sistemu
(what a wonderful world

We don’t go to prslook again)
Baš kao voodoo ja imam glavu ludu
Pitaj raju u kraju, Šikija, Peru il’ Paju
Čak i vrapci to znaju, znaju

Na sve strane o tome laju, laju, vrapci
Bio jedan mali, dete su ga zvali
Nije bio shvaćen kao Salvador Dali
Voleo je više Moldera od Skali

Dobro je znao da mu ništa ne fali
Kažu nisam pod libelu
Igram sony noć celu

Sve do jutra
Šta mi možeš
Tako ću i sutra
Kažu nisam pod libelu

Imam slike po telu
Nisu me zeznuli noću
To ja tako hoću
Kažu nisam pod libelu

Zato što feniram ćelu
Grejem vijuge na umu
Da ne dobiju reumu
I Konan kao čika doktor u strofi

Greška u mentalnoj ustanovi
Sasvim, sasvim, sasvim, sasvim
Običan dan, mala bala pala mi na dlan
Dobar znak vidim trudnicu smeje nam se

Trojica nas odvoze u ludnicu smejemo se
U mojim kolima sam
Ja sam normalan, tananananana
Nekoliko dana kasnije

Petak je veče i dalje me leče
U ludnici je ‘ladno, mama pošalji jeleče
A ako teta Dušica još radi u ambulanti
Neka kaže čika doktoru da nismo zabušanti

I neka šalje neki bensedin što brže
Jer samo tako normalni ljudi
Mogu ovde da izdrže
Mislim da imam moždani spazam

To je moj duhovni orgazam
Jehomija mi prija a prijatelj sarkazam
Kažu da sam bezobrazan i pičkinim farbama premazan
Evo ide čika doktor e ako oćeš sakrij se za kazan

Ja nisam Hare Krišna, nikako skinhead
Ja sam čika doktor i dovešću vas u red
K’o što pčela, mrav i med, disco is not dead
A, a, a, a, normalan, normalan

A, a, a, a, ja sam normalan
Kažu nisam pod libelu
Igram sony noć celu

Sve do jutra
Šta mi možeš
Tako ću i sutra
Kažu nisam pod libelu

Imam slike po telu
Nisu me zeznuli noću
To ja tako hoću
Kažu nisam pod libelu

Zato što feniram ćelu
Grejem vijuge na umu
Da ne dobiju reumu
Budi ono što jesi ali budi

Svi smo mi pomalo ludi i pomalo bludni
Možda sam lud al’ nisam glup
Dobar text i dobar loop
Nemam mnogo želja zato uvek pun mi je ćup

Sa dozom humora, bez tumora
Ne odustajem zbog umora
U prevodu dajem garanciju na zdravu zajebanciju
Pa mnogi zbog toga misle da sam čudan

Kažu nisam pod libelu a ja sam samo budan
I boli me za druge i šta oni misle o meni
Kakav sam kod kuće takav sam i na sceni
Negujem blam na javnom mestu kao pojavu čestu

I nije me sramota što me drže za idiota
Kažu nisam pod libelu, igram sony noć celu
Smejem vijuge na umu da ne dobiju reumu
Kažu nisam pod libelu, imam slike po telu

Sve do jutra, šta mi možeš tako ću i sutra
Kažu nisam pod libelu zato što feniram ćelu
Nisu me zeznuli noću, to ja tako hoću

Kažu nisam pod libelu
Igram sony noć celu
Sve do jutra
Šta mi možeš

Tako ću i sutra
Kažu nisam pod libelu
Imam slike po telu
Nisu me zeznuli noću

To ja tako hoću
Kažu nisam pod libelu
Zato što feniram ćelu
Grejem vijuge na umu

Da ne dobiju reumu
Find more lyrics at https://dcslyrics.com

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Nisam pod libelu Lyrics – English Translation

“If you listen to this for the first time
Let a song from the beginning
And if not, then everything is fine! ”

They say I’m not under Libel
I play sony night all
All the way to the morning
What you can

So I will also tomorrow
They say I’m not under Libel
I have pictures on my body
They didn’t screw me up at night

That’s how I will
They say I’m not under Libel
Because I fenate the cell
Heating the vias in mind

Not to get rheuum
I’m not under a Libel, maybe not a real fall
And if you don’t like this song our
Your brain is like this my youth

Small sense of funny you fales
I’ll preserve your piece when we’re in the village to get some slaughter
But but, now the amazing is joking
As which, only this song is mine

But let’s go back to the topic (come on)
They say I’m not under a libel because I don’t have a tremble
Hello for jam (where you are) because it is not in the system
(What A Wonderful World

We Don’t Go To Prslook Again)
Just like Voodoo I have my head crazy
Ask paradise in the end, Shikija, Peru Il ‘Paju
Even sparrows know that, they know

All sides of that bark, bark, sparrows
Was one small, the child called him
Was not understood as Salvador Dali
He loved more molders from a scale

He knew well that nothing was missing him
They say I’m not under Libel
I play sony night all

All the way to the morning
What you can
So I will also tomorrow
They say I’m not under Libel

I have pictures on my body
They didn’t screw me up at night
That’s how I will
They say I’m not under Libel

Because I fenate the cell
Heating the vias in mind
Not to get rheuum
And Konan as Chika Doctor in Strofa

A mistake in a mental institution
Quite, quite, quite, quite
An ordinary day, a small bale fell on my palm
A good sign I see a pregnant woman laughs for us

Three of us drain into a madhouse we laugh
I’m in my car
I am normal, tananananana
A few days later

Friday is even still treating me
In a madhouse is’ Based, Mama Send Jelece
And if aunt Dušica is still working in the ambulance
May Says a Chika Doctor We Are Not Closer

And lets send some bensedin as fast as possible
Because only such normal people
I can hold here
I think I have a brain spasm

It’s my spiritual #rg#sm
Jehomia I’m sorry friend sarcasm
They say I am rude and p#ss# paints coated
Here goes Čika Doctor E if you can hide for saying

I’m not Hare Krishna, Nikako Skinhead
I’m a brika doctor and I’ll get you in order
As a bee, ant and honey, disco is not dead
A, A, A, A, Normal, Normal

A, A, A, A, I’m normal
They say I’m not under Libel
I play sony night all

All the way to the morning
What you can
So I will also tomorrow
They say I’m not under Libel

I have pictures on my body
They didn’t screw me up at night
That’s how I will
They say I’m not under Libel

Because I fenate the cell
Heating the vias in mind
Not to get rheuum
Be what you are but be

We are all a little crazy and a little fornic
I may be crazy but I’m not stupid
Good text and good loop
I don’t have a lot of wishes therefore always full of me

With a dose of humor, without tumors
I’m not giving up because of fatigue
I give a guarantee on a healthy joke in translation
So many don’t think I’m odd

They say I’m not under Libel and I’m just awake
And hurts me for others and what do they think about me
What am I at home I’m like and on the scene
I nurture a muddy in a public place as a frequent

And I’m not ashamed to hold me for idiot
They say I’m not under Libel, I play Sony night
Laughing the vijuge in mind that they don’t get rheuma
They say I’m not under Libel, I have pictures on my body

Until morning, what you can do so I will tomorrow
They say I’m not under a libel because I fenate the cell
They didn’t screw me up at night, that’s how I will

They say I’m not under Libel
I play sony night all
All the way to the morning
What you can

So I will also tomorrow
They say I’m not under Libel
I have pictures on my body
They didn’t screw me up at night

That’s how I will
They say I’m not under Libel
Because I fenate the cell
Heating the vias in mind

Not to get rheuum
Find more lyrics at https://dcslyrics.com

Ding Dong Lyrics – Nisam pod libelu

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